What is a consultation like?
We will meet with you prior to the procedure to prequalify you. We just want to make sure this is a good fit for you! We will ask about your skin type and some brief medical history. We will ask about your lifestyle and products that you may use. We will inquire about where you would like treatment and what your expectations are. We will discuss the procedure, the costs, and review your questions.
Is this a surgery?
No, it is a non-invasive treatment that requires no injectable anaesthetic treatment. A topical anaesthetic may be applied to the area being treated. There are no cuts or stitches needed.
What Happens After the Procedure?
- Mild stinging and burning sensation will fade within 24 hours.
- There may be some swelling, especially around the eyes for just a few days.
- Occasional weeping will fade in a few days.
Is there Aftercare?
- Drink plenty of water.
- Apply Louise Walsh International Coolidal-Aloe gel up to 3 times a day.
- Cool packs (not ice or wet compress) can alleviate swelling.
- Dark crusts on the skin surface will occur, do not pick them! They will fall off within 3-7 days.
- Keep the area clean and dry.
- Cleanse each day with lukewarm sterile water and mild soap, pat dry.
- Anti-inflammatory/anti-histamine meds may help with swelling.
- Avoid exercise, sweating, hot showers, hot baths, steam room/sauna or smoking.
- Do not tan or spend time in the sun.
- Avoid swimming in chlorine or saltwater.
- Do not apply any alcohol based products.
- Do not cover with plastics or ointments.
- Do not shave over treated area until after it has healed.
- Use SPF 50 sunscreen once the crusts have fallen away for at least 12-20 weeks.
What are contraindications to this procedure?
We recommend getting treatment only with special care:
acne, alopecia, anemia, blepharoplasty, botox, dry eye, eye laser surgery, glaucoma, hay fever, herpes simplex, high blood pressure, injectable fillers, thyroxin, ashtma, contact lenses, thyroid problems, visual impairment
Do no get any treatment if experiencing these:
breast feeding, pregnancy, birthmarks, port wine stains, hemophilia, hepatitis, hiv/aids, hyperpigmentation, lupus, retinal detachment, scar-hypertrophic, scar-keloid, steroids or cortisone, vitiligo
Medications to be avoided:
Antabuse, blood thinners, Thyroxin, Insulin
Medications not allowed:
Roaccutane & accutane, anti-coagulants
Is there scarring?
Keep the scab moist with the Louise Walsh International Colloidal-Aloe gel. This will help with any potential itching as well as expedite the healing process sans scars. Drying out may delay healing, and the longer the healing process takes, the greater chance of scarring. Use the aloe! Also avoid heat in that area (aloe is cooling) to prevent inflammation, also to reduce scarring. High doses of Vitamin C over the course of the healing process will also heal and help prevent hyperpigmentation.